Outlook AutoComplete Fix

In: Alerts, General Tips, Printers, Web Design, Windows

This Article contains a simple way to understanding the process of restoring your AutoComplete within Outlook after performing an upgrade or changing the Outlook profile.

Outlook maintains the AutoComplete list. The list is used by both the automatic name-checking feature and the automatic completion feature. The AutoComplete list, also known as the nickname cache, is generated automatically when you send email messages from Outlook. The list contains SMTP addresses, LegacyExchangeDN entries, and display names for people to whom you have sent mail previously.

Note: The AutoComplete list for Outlook is specific to Outlook and is not shared by Outlook Web App (OWA). OWA maintains its own AutoComplete list.

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 and earlier versions store the AutoComplete list in an nickname (.nk2) file on the disk. Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013, and Outlook 2016 store the AutoComplete list as a hidden message in your primary message store. Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013, and Outlook 2016 let you import the older .nk2 files.

In Outlook 2007 or earlier: this file will be a .nk2 file located in directory (C:UsersusernameAppDataRoamingMicrosoftOutlook) this file is hidden so you will have to show hidden files from the Folder options in control panel. Once you have located the .nk2 file you will need to rename the most currently modified file to .old then rename the older .nk2 file (that should match the older Outlook profile) to match the name of the current Outlook profile name being used. Then relaunch Outlook.

To import .nk2 files into Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016, follow these steps:
Make sure that the .nk2 file is in the following folder: %appdata%MicrosoftOutlook
Note: The .nk2 file must have the same name as your current Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016 profile. By default, the profile name is “Outlook.” To check the profile name, follow these steps: Click Start, and then click Control Panel. Double-click Mail. In the Mail Setup dialog box, click Show Profiles. Click Start, and then click Run. In the Open box, type outlook.exe /importnk2, and then click OK. This should import the .nk2 file into the Outlook profile.

Note: After importing the .nk2 file, the contents of the file are merged into the existing nickname cache that is currently stored in your mailbox.
The .nk2 file is renamed with a .old file name extension on the first start of Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016. Therefore, if you try to re-import the .nk2 file, remove the .old file name extension.

If you are using Outlook 2010, 2013 or 2016: and are forced to change your Outlook profile due to a change such as moving to O365 from an Exchange Server while still using Outlook 2016 in a Hybrid configuration you may need restore a users AutoComplete to match the current Profile. Then you would want to navigate to (C:UsersuserAppDataLocalMicrosoftOutlookRoamCache) and locate two files named ‘Stream_Autocomplete…..dat‘ and make a copy of them. Then find the newest of the two files from the Date Modified column and copy the file name to clipboard and continue to rename that file with a .old extension on the end and save. Then Right-Click and rename the older of the two files by coping the name of the newer file you have stored on the clipboard and save.

The Auto-Complete List should now have the entries from your other computer when you compose a message and begin typing in the To, Cc, or Bcc boxes.

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Outlook AutoComplete Fix

In: General Tips, Web Design, Windows

This Article contains a simple way to understanding the process of restoring your AutoComplete within Outlook after performing an upgrade or changing the Outlook profile.

Outlook maintains the AutoComplete list. The list is used by both the automatic name-checking feature and the automatic completion feature. The AutoComplete list, also known as the nickname cache, is generated automatically when you send email messages from Outlook. The list contains SMTP addresses, LegacyExchangeDN entries, and display names for people to whom you have sent mail previously.

Note: The AutoComplete list for Outlook is specific to Outlook and is not shared by Outlook Web App (OWA). OWA maintains its own AutoComplete list.

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 and earlier versions store the AutoComplete list in an nickname (.nk2) file on the disk. Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013, and Outlook 2016 store the AutoComplete list as a hidden message in your primary message store. Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013, and Outlook 2016 let you import the older .nk2 files.

In Outlook 2007 or earlier: this file will be a .nk2 file located in directory (C:UsersusernameAppDataRoamingMicrosoftOutlook) this file is hidden so you will have to show hidden files from the Folder options in control panel. Once you have located the .nk2 file you will need to rename the most currently modified file to .old then rename the older .nk2 file (that should match the older Outlook profile) to match the name of the current Outlook profile name being used. Then relaunch Outlook.

To import .nk2 files into Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016, follow these steps:
Make sure that the .nk2 file is in the following folder: %appdata%MicrosoftOutlook
Note: The .nk2 file must have the same name as your current Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016 profile. By default, the profile name is “Outlook.” To check the profile name, follow these steps: Click Start, and then click Control Panel. Double-click Mail. In the Mail Setup dialog box, click Show Profiles. Click Start, and then click Run. In the Open box, type outlook.exe /importnk2, and then click OK. This should import the .nk2 file into the Outlook profile.

Note: After importing the .nk2 file, the contents of the file are merged into the existing nickname cache that is currently stored in your mailbox.
The .nk2 file is renamed with a .old file name extension on the first start of Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016. Therefore, if you try to re-import the .nk2 file, remove the .old file name extension.

If you are using Outlook 2010, 2013 or 2016: and are forced to change your Outlook profile due to a change such as moving to O365 from an Exchange Server while still using Outlook 2016 in a Hybrid configuration you may need restore a users AutoComplete to match the current Profile. Then you would want to navigate to (C:UsersuserAppDataLocalMicrosoftOutlookRoamCache) and locate two files named ‘Stream_Autocomplete…..dat‘ and make a copy of them. Then find the newest of the two files from the Date Modified column and copy the file name to clipboard and continue to rename that file with a .old extension on the end and save. Then Right-Click and rename the older of the two files by coping the name of the newer file you have stored on the clipboard and save.

The Auto-Complete List should now have the entries from your other computer when you compose a message and begin typing in the To, Cc, or Bcc boxes.

The post Outlook AutoComplete Fix appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

Print shop Operations

In: Alerts, General Tips, Printers, Web Design, Windows

Good Afternoon

Hello Fellow Tech’s . Today I want to talk about what is needed to run a efficient print shop . now a lot of you will say that it should be simple enough but in fact it is easier said than done .

there are all kinds of moving parts that must be addressed . so lets start by looking at personal , most places will be set up as a in house thing which means that you will be operating your shop inside of a already thriving company . This possess its own unique strength’s and weakness . and depending on how large or small your setup is your the one that has to deal with and adjust accordingly . Let’s look at some of the things you will face . Your machines are your most important asset . Now you cant just have machines without knowing your work flow all locations will not need the same machines . your printer choice should be based on your job loads for example here where I am currently stationed the ideal setup would be two color machines a binder a cutter that can do both normal jobs and business cards . your finisher is the second most important part of your gear you need to make sure it has the ability to do booklets, staple, three whole punch and if possible it is good idea to have the ability to make booklets where the cover is different from the insides which is also an attachment added to the finisher .

The next thing to consider and you need to know this among the top priority is paper type and sizes . there are as many different paper types as there are types of people . it is important to make sure your fiery is fully setup you don’t want to get a job or project and not have the license to impose or compose . if you are unfamiliar with these terms don’t worry at the end I will give you a cheat sheet of terms commonly used shop terms . Moving on it is vital you make it know what your shop can and cant handle it is equally important that your clients understand your capabilities so they don’t think you can do something you cant .

Now lets talk about personal and hours . I could use the shop im at but in truth that is not wise because every location will be different either way it is my experience that two personal at the least is what you want for a couple of reasons one being day to day operations it is just natural your going to get sick or have some reason be it family or other wise that your going to need time off . that said you need to have someone that can pick up the load during those times which is why it is paramount to have at least two people at your station . it would be helpful if one was familiar with graphic design but the important thing is to have the two bodies to maintain your shop readiness . hours typically 8-5 is what you would think is the normal for everything mon-fri however a print shop is not the normal you will get jobs that will come in at the last min or require two days to complete and this is while running other jobs that come in so basically you need to prepare your self for the fact that even though it says 8-5 mon-fr on the door you maybe working til 6,7,8 or even on the weekends but then again you may also be at a site where you only work mon-thurs .whatever your site setup is just understand you’ll need to be flexible and your organization will need to be flexible the client will expect when they want a project, for it to be done when they want it done .

your going to have problems so expect paper jams and error messages , files that don’t turn out right etc. the thing is don’t panic hopefully you have a tech waiting but while waiting on that tech there some things you can do . when dealing with paper jams check all openings and drawers you be surprised at the fact that the smallest scrap of paper left inside can throw the whole machine off .

11×17 ,12×18, 8.5×11, 13×19, 8.5×14 these are some of the average paper types you will deal with on a daily basis’s

gloss cover, gloss text , hammermill, aspire pelltilics which is a metallic type of paper

so that’s all for now until next time fellow tech’s

The post Print shop Operations appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

Print shop Operations

In: General Tips, Printers, Web Design, Windows

Good Afternoon

Hello Fellow Tech’s . Today I want to talk about what is needed to run a efficient print shop . now a lot of you will say that it should be simple enough but in fact it is easier said than done .

there are all kinds of moving parts that must be addressed . so lets start by looking at personal , most places will be set up as a in house thing which means that you will be operating your shop inside of a already thriving company . This possess its own unique strength’s and weakness . and depending on how large or small your setup is your the one that has to deal with and adjust accordingly . Let’s look at some of the things you will face . Your machines are your most important asset . Now you cant just have machines without knowing your work flow all locations will not need the same machines . your printer choice should be based on your job loads for example here where I am currently stationed the ideal setup would be two color machines a binder a cutter that can do both normal jobs and business cards . your finisher is the second most important part of your gear you need to make sure it has the ability to do booklets, staple, three whole punch and if possible it is good idea to have the ability to make booklets where the cover is different from the insides which is also an attachment added to the finisher .

The next thing to consider and you need to know this among the top priority is paper type and sizes . there are as many different paper types as there are types of people . it is important to make sure your fiery is fully setup you don’t want to get a job or project and not have the license to impose or compose . if you are unfamiliar with these terms don’t worry at the end I will give you a cheat sheet of terms commonly used shop terms . Moving on it is vital you make it know what your shop can and cant handle it is equally important that your clients understand your capabilities so they don’t think you can do something you cant .

Now lets talk about personal and hours . I could use the shop im at but in truth that is not wise because every location will be different either way it is my experience that two personal at the least is what you want for a couple of reasons one being day to day operations it is just natural your going to get sick or have some reason be it family or other wise that your going to need time off . that said you need to have someone that can pick up the load during those times which is why it is paramount to have at least two people at your station . it would be helpful if one was familiar with graphic design but the important thing is to have the two bodies to maintain your shop readiness . hours typically 8-5 is what you would think is the normal for everything mon-fri however a print shop is not the normal you will get jobs that will come in at the last min or require two days to complete and this is while running other jobs that come in so basically you need to prepare your self for the fact that even though it says 8-5 mon-fr on the door you maybe working til 6,7,8 or even on the weekends but then again you may also be at a site where you only work mon-thurs .whatever your site setup is just understand you’ll need to be flexible and your organization will need to be flexible the client will expect when they want a project, for it to be done when they want it done .

your going to have problems so expect paper jams and error messages , files that don’t turn out right etc. the thing is don’t panic hopefully you have a tech waiting but while waiting on that tech there some things you can do . when dealing with paper jams check all openings and drawers you be surprised at the fact that the smallest scrap of paper left inside can throw the whole machine off .

11×17 ,12×18, 8.5×11, 13×19, 8.5×14 these are some of the average paper types you will deal with on a daily basis’s

gloss cover, gloss text , hammermill, aspire pelltilics which is a metallic type of paper

so that’s all for now until next time fellow tech’s

The post Print shop Operations appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

APIPA – Automatic Private IP Addressing

In: Alerts, General Tips, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

Short for “Automatic Private IP Addressing” this little Windows function is very cool. It will autoconfigure an IP address if your DHCP server is not available for whatever reason. APIPA will always give an address of or and the subnet will be a class B or

APIPA does not assign a Default Gateway.


It will check every 5 minutes to see if your DHCP server is back online and if it is it will update the IP. Kinda cool huh?

So the next time your computer won’t connect and you get a you know that Windows can’t communicate with DHCP. Also, if you have a device set to DHCP like maybe a printer that don’t have a screen on it you could use this to get to the web interface then set a static IP if you don’t use DHCP on your network. Not sure why anyone wouldn’t use DHCP but that’s a post for another day.

The post APIPA – Automatic Private IP Addressing appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

APIPA – Automatic Private IP Addressing

In: General Tips, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

Short for “Automatic Private IP Addressing” this little Windows function is very cool. It will autoconfigure an IP address if your DHCP server is not available for whatever reason. APIPA will always give an address of or and the subnet will be a class B or

APIPA does not assign a Default Gateway.


It will check every 5 minutes to see if your DHCP server is back online and if it is it will update the IP. Kinda cool huh?

So the next time your computer won’t connect and you get a you know that Windows can’t communicate with DHCP. Also, if you have a device set to DHCP like maybe a printer that don’t have a screen on it you could use this to get to the web interface then set a static IP if you don’t use DHCP on your network. Not sure why anyone wouldn’t use DHCP but that’s a post for another day.

The post APIPA – Automatic Private IP Addressing appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

What is a NIC

In: Alerts, General Tips, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

A NIC or Network Interface Card is a device that allows you to connect to a network. A NIC may be wired or wireless but either way it has circuitry required to communicate on a network. It is NOT a “NIC Card” because the “C” in NIC stands for Card so if you say “NIC Card” you are really saying “Network Interface Card Card” which makes you sound like a Tard Tard to anyone that knows about NICs.

The post What is a NIC appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

What is a NIC

In: General Tips, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

A NIC or Network Interface Card is a device that allows you to connect to a network. A NIC may be wired or wireless but either way it has circuitry required to communicate on a network. It is NOT a “NIC Card” because the “C” in NIC stands for Card so if you say “NIC Card” you are really saying “Network Interface Card Card” which makes you sound like a Tard Tard to anyone that knows about NICs.

The post What is a NIC appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

Prevent Windows from Automatically Adding Networked Printers

In: Alerts, General Tips, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

With the addition of Windows 10 comes a new host of problems. One of the most irritating is having a network device automatically installed on your computer and cluttering your device list! Prevent Windows from automatically adding networked printers by following these steps:

1: Navigate to control panel, select network and sharing center

2: Select Change advanced sharing settings (left hand side)

3: Under private network discovery uncheck the box that says “turn on automatic setup of network connected devices”

Advanced Sharing Window to help show where to make the changes needed to Prevent Windows from adding networked devices to your device list
Advanced Sharing Window to help show where to make the changes needed to Prevent Windows from adding networked devices to your device list

4: Save changes

This is specific to windows 10 but you may see similar settings in windows 7 and 8.

The post Prevent Windows from Automatically Adding Networked Printers appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

Prevent Windows from Automatically Adding Networked Printers

In: General Tips, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

With the addition of Windows 10 comes a new host of problems. One of the most irritating is having a network device automatically installed on your computer and cluttering your device list! Prevent Windows from automatically adding networked printers by following these steps:

1: Navigate to control panel, select network and sharing center

2: Select Change advanced sharing settings (left hand side)

3: Under private network discovery uncheck the box that says “turn on automatic setup of network connected devices”

Advanced Sharing Window to help show where to make the changes needed to Prevent Windows from adding networked devices to your device list
Advanced Sharing Window to help show where to make the changes needed to Prevent Windows from adding networked devices to your device list

4: Save changes

This is specific to windows 10 but you may see similar settings in windows 7 and 8.

The post Prevent Windows from Automatically Adding Networked Printers appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.