APIPA – Automatic Private IP Addressing

In: Alerts, General Tips, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

Short for “Automatic Private IP Addressing” this little Windows function is very cool. It will autoconfigure an IP address if your DHCP server is not available for whatever reason. APIPA will always give an address of or and the subnet will be a class B or

APIPA does not assign a Default Gateway.


It will check every 5 minutes to see if your DHCP server is back online and if it is it will update the IP. Kinda cool huh?

So the next time your computer won’t connect and you get a you know that Windows can’t communicate with DHCP. Also, if you have a device set to DHCP like maybe a printer that don’t have a screen on it you could use this to get to the web interface then set a static IP if you don’t use DHCP on your network. Not sure why anyone wouldn’t use DHCP but that’s a post for another day.

The post APIPA – Automatic Private IP Addressing appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

By: TechTips4U

APIPA – Automatic Private IP Addressing

In: General Tips, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

Short for “Automatic Private IP Addressing” this little Windows function is very cool. It will autoconfigure an IP address if your DHCP server is not available for whatever reason. APIPA will always give an address of or and the subnet will be a class B or

APIPA does not assign a Default Gateway.


It will check every 5 minutes to see if your DHCP server is back online and if it is it will update the IP. Kinda cool huh?

So the next time your computer won’t connect and you get a you know that Windows can’t communicate with DHCP. Also, if you have a device set to DHCP like maybe a printer that don’t have a screen on it you could use this to get to the web interface then set a static IP if you don’t use DHCP on your network. Not sure why anyone wouldn’t use DHCP but that’s a post for another day.

The post APIPA – Automatic Private IP Addressing appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

By: TechTips4U

What is a NIC

In: Alerts, General Tips, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

A NIC or Network Interface Card is a device that allows you to connect to a network. A NIC may be wired or wireless but either way it has circuitry required to communicate on a network. It is NOT a “NIC Card” because the “C” in NIC stands for Card so if you say “NIC Card” you are really saying “Network Interface Card Card” which makes you sound like a Tard Tard to anyone that knows about NICs.

The post What is a NIC appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

By: TechTips4U

What is a NIC

In: General Tips, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

A NIC or Network Interface Card is a device that allows you to connect to a network. A NIC may be wired or wireless but either way it has circuitry required to communicate on a network. It is NOT a “NIC Card” because the “C” in NIC stands for Card so if you say “NIC Card” you are really saying “Network Interface Card Card” which makes you sound like a Tard Tard to anyone that knows about NICs.

The post What is a NIC appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

By: TechTips4U

Prevent Windows from Automatically Adding Networked Printers

In: Alerts, General Tips, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

With the addition of Windows 10 comes a new host of problems. One of the most irritating is having a network device automatically installed on your computer and cluttering your device list! Prevent Windows from automatically adding networked printers by following these steps:

1: Navigate to control panel, select network and sharing center

2: Select Change advanced sharing settings (left hand side)

3: Under private network discovery uncheck the box that says “turn on automatic setup of network connected devices”

Advanced Sharing Window to help show where to make the changes needed to Prevent Windows from adding networked devices to your device list
Advanced Sharing Window to help show where to make the changes needed to Prevent Windows from adding networked devices to your device list

4: Save changes

This is specific to windows 10 but you may see similar settings in windows 7 and 8.

The post Prevent Windows from Automatically Adding Networked Printers appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

By: TechTips4U

Prevent Windows from Automatically Adding Networked Printers

In: General Tips, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

With the addition of Windows 10 comes a new host of problems. One of the most irritating is having a network device automatically installed on your computer and cluttering your device list! Prevent Windows from automatically adding networked printers by following these steps:

1: Navigate to control panel, select network and sharing center

2: Select Change advanced sharing settings (left hand side)

3: Under private network discovery uncheck the box that says “turn on automatic setup of network connected devices”

Advanced Sharing Window to help show where to make the changes needed to Prevent Windows from adding networked devices to your device list
Advanced Sharing Window to help show where to make the changes needed to Prevent Windows from adding networked devices to your device list

4: Save changes

This is specific to windows 10 but you may see similar settings in windows 7 and 8.

The post Prevent Windows from Automatically Adding Networked Printers appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

By: TechTips4U

How to open a CD drive if it is unpowered/not working

In: Alerts, General Tips, Hardware, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

Broke CD Drive? No problem, to retrieve a CD from a broken/unplugged CD drive there is a pin hole under the tray for manual eject. To use this unfold a paperclip then press the manual eject to open the CD. Below is a picture to locate the pin hole on your CD drive:

Example of location of pin hole

The post How to open a CD drive if it is unpowered/not working appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

By: TechTips4U

How to open a CD drive if it is unpowered/not working

In: General Tips, Hardware, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

Broke CD Drive? No problem, to retrieve a CD from a broken/unplugged CD drive there is a pin hole under the tray for manual eject. To use this unfold a paperclip then press the manual eject to open the CD. Below is a picture to locate the pin hole on your CD drive:

Example of location of pin hole

The post How to open a CD drive if it is unpowered/not working appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

By: TechTips4U

Windows 10 updates and SMB1 for scan to PC

In: Alerts, General Tips, Hardware, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

Good Morning

Today we are going to discuss how to fix SMB1 after windows 10 dose a update to your system . As we all know windows is constantly doing updates . Well in a interest to combat the wanna cry virus Microsoft has been pushing out a series of updates to windows . In doing this if you have windows automatic updates turned on windows will update your system were the problem comes in is that after the update you may find that you are no longer able to scan to PC . The reason for this is because windows uses SMB1 to scan to PC . When windows dose the new updates it shuts off in most cases the SMB1 operations and tries to use SMB2 and or 3 .Unfortunately scan to PC dose not work under anything other than SMB1 at the present time . So how do I fix this you may ask ? Good question , the way you handle this situation is by going to windows features and scrolling down until you see SMB in the little pop up window ,click on the plus sign next to SMB and ensure that all the SMB boxes are checked once you do this close the window and any open programs you may have running and restart your system to make sure the changes have been accepted by the system . Once your system reboots you should be able to scan to PC again as long as there are no further problems with your setup .

The post Windows 10 updates and SMB1 for scan to PC appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

By: TechTips4U

Windows 10 updates and SMB1 for scan to PC

In: General Tips, Hardware, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

Good Morning

Today we are going to discuss how to fix SMB1 after windows 10 dose a update to your system . As we all know windows is constantly doing updates . Well in a interest to combat the wanna cry virus Microsoft has been pushing out a series of updates to windows . In doing this if you have windows automatic updates turned on windows will update your system were the problem comes in is that after the update you may find that you are no longer able to scan to PC . The reason for this is because windows uses SMB1 to scan to PC . When windows dose the new updates it shuts off in most cases the SMB1 operations and tries to use SMB2 and or 3 .Unfortunately scan to PC dose not work under anything other than SMB1 at the present time . So how do I fix this you may ask ? Good question , the way you handle this situation is by going to windows features and scrolling down until you see SMB in the little pop up window ,click on the plus sign next to SMB and ensure that all the SMB boxes are checked once you do this close the window and any open programs you may have running and restart your system to make sure the changes have been accepted by the system . Once your system reboots you should be able to scan to PC again as long as there are no further problems with your setup .

The post Windows 10 updates and SMB1 for scan to PC appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

By: TechTips4U