What is a NIC

In: Alerts, General Tips, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

A NIC or Network Interface Card is a device that allows you to connect to a network. A NIC may be wired or wireless but either way it has circuitry required to communicate on a network. It is NOT a “NIC Card” because the “C” in NIC stands for Card so if you say “NIC Card” you are really saying “Network Interface Card Card” which makes you sound like a Tard Tard to anyone that knows about NICs.

The post What is a NIC appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

By: TechTips4U

What is a NIC

In: General Tips, Networking, Printers, Web Design, Windows

A NIC or Network Interface Card is a device that allows you to connect to a network. A NIC may be wired or wireless but either way it has circuitry required to communicate on a network. It is NOT a “NIC Card” because the “C” in NIC stands for Card so if you say “NIC Card” you are really saying “Network Interface Card Card” which makes you sound like a Tard Tard to anyone that knows about NICs.

The post What is a NIC appeared first on Tech Tips 4 U.

By: TechTips4U